Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I've never been artistic.  I can't see paint and know it's going to look good on a wall.  I very rarely get inspired by something at the craft store.  But one day someone showed me how to knit and I picked it up pretty quickly.  Then I ventured into crocheting a little bit.  I had a hard time picking up how to read a crochet pattern so I decided to stick with knitting.  Then I moved to Michigan where my newfound love for knitting was put to good use.  Aubrei, my sister-in-law, asked me to crochet her a hat and diaper cover for my soon to be nephew.  I picked up my crochet needle and decided to try again and to my surprise.....I LOVED IT!  You only need one needle and it's so much faster than knitting.  I've been a crocheting fool ever since and I'm hooked on it.  Everyone has warm hats and scarfs.  I'm venturing into fingerless gloves and who knows what else.  Now I can look at a skein of yarn and get inspired to make a hat, gloves, scarf.  Even though I can follow a pattern I like finding new stitches and trying to make things on my own without a pattern.  I'm happy that I can make beautiful things for people.

I love that this....

Can become this....

Or this....

Or this!
 So this is what I fill my unemployment time with now when I'm not in service or going to "town".  After a day of being inspired to make something my hands hurt.  Sometimes when I go to bed my hands are still formed as if I had yarn and a needle still.  It's pretty funny and I'm hoping that my hands get used to it soon.

I hate that I can see every mistake I make, even when everyone tells me that I'm seeing things and the item is fine the way it is.  Every time I look at it I am bothered and 99% of the time I have to fix it.  But even with that I don't mind because the next time I pick up my needle I get a little bit better.

I'm off to do some more crocheting because I have a few items still to make before I venture off on my trip.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Time

I have never done a blog before and saw all these great ones out there and decided I would give it a try.  I am going to write about my experiences being single.  As you can see, since this is my first post, they will be few and far between.  I recently moved to Michigan and I am settling into a routine and finding friends.  Thank goodness I'm a Jehovah's Witness and have a place to go to find good friends.  When I decided to move back to Michigan many people asked me why it's so cold there and they get snow.  Well here is your answer:

Need I say more?  I think not.  I would take this over 100 degree days any day.  So stay tuned for a more lively blog in the hopefully near future.  I have a trip coming up and I'm sure I will have some good experiences from that to blog about.