Monday, July 11, 2011

Coloring In The Pages...

Today was an exciting day.  I get to work, which is my official first day at my job, and immediately I'm sent off for a drug test.  Yep I love those tests, nervous even though I know I have nothing to worry about.  What do you think happens when I'm sent into the room by myself with that little cup...NOTHING!  So I spend an hour downing water and waiting around until I feel the "urge".  Finally thats over and I head back to work.  Then I get to fill out a stack of papers that seems to me like a stack that I would sign when if I bought a house.  Although when the big manual is pulled out the stack isn't so bad.  I get that paperwork done and head back to my desk.  It was an odd feeling I had sitting there knowing this was now my "permanent" spot, kind of felt like I was right back where I have always been but in a different state.  It is nice having money coming in the door though.  Work is done and it's finally time to head home.  As I'm heading home I am running through my head all the things I want to do before I go to bed to start over again...dinner, study for meeting, work on blanket, make my lunch for tomorrow, etc etc.

I pull in the driveway I see my niece Cooper sitting on the riding lawn mower in the garage.  As I approach she asks where Jake and Zack are.  Seeing as I just got home I had no idea so I told her to let me put my stuff down and then I would help her.  So I come in put my stuff down, do a couple things and then it's off to find the boys.  We walk around to where the guys are working and ask if they have seen them.  Then it's back up to the house to find them and there they are in the garage.  With that task done it's back in the house where I end up chatting with Phoebe and then mom and dad.  Then it's time for Reuben and Cooper to head home so we say our good byes.  After saying goodbye it leaves me at my desk so yes studying I need to turn on my computer.  So I turn on the computer, move papers around and oh look there is my new notebook for the assembly that I can decorate.  So I grab that and my drawer full of markers and head to the kitchen table.  I sit and color in the circles until dinner is ready.  Of course this attracts attention and Aubrey and Zack sit down to join me.  Zack helps me color in some circles and then picks some pens out for his own stash of pens.  Then it's time to eat and color some more.  I decide I should find out what time it is and look at the clock - OOPS it's now 7:30 and I got nothing done that I set out to do.  But, as I told Aubrey, it's hard to stop coloring cause it's so relaxing.  When you color you can focus on the lines and what your doing and drown everything else out.  It's like letting all the stress melt away...AAAHHH so refreshing.

But don't fret I did stop and got the most important part of my tasks done.  I am prepared for meeting and feel so much better for putting Jehovah well almost first.

The moral of my story is to take time out to Color in the Pages of Life!  Have a little fun and let the stress melt away!