Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I've never been artistic.  I can't see paint and know it's going to look good on a wall.  I very rarely get inspired by something at the craft store.  But one day someone showed me how to knit and I picked it up pretty quickly.  Then I ventured into crocheting a little bit.  I had a hard time picking up how to read a crochet pattern so I decided to stick with knitting.  Then I moved to Michigan where my newfound love for knitting was put to good use.  Aubrei, my sister-in-law, asked me to crochet her a hat and diaper cover for my soon to be nephew.  I picked up my crochet needle and decided to try again and to my surprise.....I LOVED IT!  You only need one needle and it's so much faster than knitting.  I've been a crocheting fool ever since and I'm hooked on it.  Everyone has warm hats and scarfs.  I'm venturing into fingerless gloves and who knows what else.  Now I can look at a skein of yarn and get inspired to make a hat, gloves, scarf.  Even though I can follow a pattern I like finding new stitches and trying to make things on my own without a pattern.  I'm happy that I can make beautiful things for people.

I love that this....

Can become this....

Or this....

Or this!
 So this is what I fill my unemployment time with now when I'm not in service or going to "town".  After a day of being inspired to make something my hands hurt.  Sometimes when I go to bed my hands are still formed as if I had yarn and a needle still.  It's pretty funny and I'm hoping that my hands get used to it soon.

I hate that I can see every mistake I make, even when everyone tells me that I'm seeing things and the item is fine the way it is.  Every time I look at it I am bothered and 99% of the time I have to fix it.  But even with that I don't mind because the next time I pick up my needle I get a little bit better.

I'm off to do some more crocheting because I have a few items still to make before I venture off on my trip.


  1. These are all so cute. You do a wonderful job! I'm loving Madison's fingerless gloves. The flowers make it so cute.

  2. Make them stupid ADD and sleepyness.

  3. Thanks Leandra! Maybe once Madison learns she can teach you :o).
